Sunday, May 05, 2013

Under Construction!

As you might have noticed already, this blog is currently under construction! I have recently gotten my own web address to match the blog, after quite some pondering. I'm really happy with this as I now have it all under one name - my blog, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads - you name it!

Naturally, this also means I have to change my overly long blog name to the name I've had in mind for months now. And I need a new header as well. I'm lucky that my brother is very helpful with this. He agreed to once again help me with my header, which makes me happy. He already created the old header which I loved a lot! Now, he is still working on the header, but as you can see up top, we already have a general idea and he has already put in some work. We're not yet all done, so the header might change back and forth occasionally as we try out new things. Same goes with the template.

If you see something that looks odd, please let me know! And of course, if there is something you would like to see added, let me know too!

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