Tuesday, July 08, 2014

[Top 10 Tuesday] In the confessional

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Today's topic is: Blogging Confessions

1) I have an insane amount of unread books on my shelves - and on my Kindle! I have no clue when I am going to read them, but I'm on a book buying ban right now, so hopefully I can make a dent? Yeah, who am I kidding!

2) I have recently resolved to make a short list of books to read. Of all the unread books I have, I try to write seven books on a post-it which I keep in my Filofax. These seven books should be a goo dmix of YA, mysteries, classics and romance novels, and naturally, they should not all be ebooks or print copies. Once I am down to one book on the list, I am allowed to make a new list. I'm at the second list right now and I hope it works this well with the next list. It is rewarding to see the books you can cross off an incredibly large TBR list!

3) I am bad at reviewing and blogging in general on a regular basis. Back in the day, I had more time and would bring my laptop almost anywhere. Then, I managed to keep what resembled a schedule, but nowadays? Noooo! Not happening. I don't know why, but oftentimes, the baby will wake up in the evening and I have to take care of him. Or I'm exhausted from the day. (He's an active little guy, and at days "I solemnly swear, I am up to no good" seems to be his motto for life! Gosh, I love that precious boy!)

4) I envy all those living in the US for their wonderful library system. No kidding, you live in paradise and I hope you notice it! Here the library books are dusty, smell yucky, and let's not go into the whole issue of finding current acquisitions of books that would even remotely fall under any of the categories or tropes I enjoy.

5) I hate, hate, hate creases, dogears and the likes on my books. Really, if you want to read one of my books, you might have to live with the most scrutinous exam (*cough* I'll spy on all your reading habits *cough*) before you get to hold one of my books in hands!

6) I smell new books! There's nothing better than the smell of a new book. Well, maybe babies smell better, but new books smell heavenly!

7) I have never read Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones. I know, how can I? But LotR is just not my cuppa. Believe me, I tried. And GoT? Well, the significant other and his BFF talked about it frequently without giving away much - that is, not much other than "whenever you like a character, he or she dies soon enough". So no, that's not for me either *sigh*

8) I hate it when the books in a series don't match on my shelves. On one hand, I cannot wait to read the next in series, on the other, if it's the wrong binding, I might have to buy a second copy, you know? The probably first time this happened was with Harry Potter, and right now I have the same issue with Ally Carter's Gallagher Girls series.

9) I admit, I do not feel like receiving an ARC means I absolutely have to write a review. I may very likely do so, but occasionally, the book just doesn't work for me and I hardly ever review DNFs.

10) I hate reading books for university because it takes away reading time for fun. Chances are, these books are also fun, but the forced reading is kind of off putting to me.

11) I kept the saddest confession for last: No matter what I do, I'm always, always behind on reviewing. I wish I had little gnomes that could help out!

Did you join in this meme? If so, leave a link, please, or add your answers in the comments! br>


Anonymous said...

I've only bought one new book this month and am trying to stay strong. But there are still a lot of days left in the month! I think a lot of us struggle with this. Great list.

The Bookworm said...

Great list! Reviewing Gnomes would be helpful!