Saturday, April 27, 2013

[Dewey] Progress Report #3 - Midnight Update

Whew, it's midnight here and time just flew by. But the readathon has been going on for 10 hours now. Also, I have been yawning for the better part of the last hour. But I have every intention of staying up some more. (It's not like kiddo hasn't been kicking like crazy for the past 15 minutes already, so I couldn't sleep anyway...)

Books read: 1

Pages read: 500?!? I'm losing track here!

Time spent reading: About 5 hours, so only about half the time, but that's still better than nothing.

Other activities: I browsed the net for a bit, searched for my phone charger because I use my phone for Instagram updates (check it out! I update my books there and the occasional snack).

Snacks/Food devoured: Another muffin! I have one more here with me and don't really want to eat more than those 3 tonight. Too many calories :P


Ruth @ Bookish Ruth said...

Wow, you're doing awesome!

Chris said...

Hi Kathrin

You are doing really well. You have reached halfway!

Well done. Keep on reading!

Chris (Team Lion)

Ali said...

500 pages in 5 hours is wonderful. Keep up the good work!