Saturday, April 27, 2013

[Dewey] Progress Report #1 - 2 Hours In

So, two hours after the beginning it is time for a progress report, right? With all we had going on this morning including the clothes shopping as I needed a few more items to accomodate my belly, I didn't get off to the start I would have liked. Nonetheless, I believe I am doing well so far.

Books read:None so far

Pages read:around 100 pages of Bastian Bielendorfer's Lehrerkind: Lebenslänglich Pausenhof, a memoir-style novel about the author's life as a teachers' kid and how he ended up being a teacher himself - very funny!

Time spent reading:approximately 1 hour

Other activities:I had a late lunch (after 2pm), which took up quite some time, and I prepared tea for the first few hours. Then I had to somehow carry all the things upstairs through a dusty floor which my parents and the mister are remodeling these days so that it eventually will look like our apartment (I don't get to help much, due to the pregnancy & everybody's "be careful" attitude). Lastly, I also prepared my post templates for the readathon with some delay. I wanted to do it earlier, but due to the accident, I couldn't

Snacks/Food devoured: a roll with Nutella for lunch, some tea

1 comment:

Chris said...

Hi Kathrin

Hope you are having fun and reading a lot.

Chris (Team Lion Cheerleaders)