Tuesday, January 22, 2013

[Top 10 Tuesday] More of that, please!

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week it's all about settings! Where do you want to see more books set? For me, the following settings are still a bit underrepresented - and this is very much biased, as usual!

1) Alaska
This isn't cheating even though it was mentioned in the topic description. I don't think I have more than 5 books set in Alaska on my shelves.

2) On space ships
Really, what's cooler? Nerd girl me wants more of that!

3) In foreign countries
I have plenty of books in the US, Canada or the UK, now, what about other countries? I'm sure there must be something out there!

4) In a closed setting
Remember locked room mysteries? Where the entire mystery novel was set in one estate/small town? I want more of that! In contemporary novels!

Have you read any books with settings I'm looking for? Can you recommend them? Please let me know in the comments! (And link to your list!)


lillylilac said...

Good list, I'd also love to read stories set in a closed area as well as on a space ship.

Unknown said...

Really? That's awesome! I hope we will soon see more of the closed quarters settings. Who knows, maybe we can even bribe some authors or publishers into giving us what we want? ;)

Anonymous said...

I have really enjoyed a couple of books set on space ships recently. Mothership and Scarlet, the sequel to Cinder. Cool ships, fun gadgets. I want more! http://wp.me/pzUn5-1nQ

Anonymous said...

I'm all for more books set in Alaska. I'm totally interested in that state. I would love to visit someday.

Erica said...

Ooo, I love the idea of more closed settings!