Thursday, April 02, 2009

BIP #6 - The Results

Well, as part of the Blog Improvement Project #6 - Let's Get Social, I decided to get active on Twitter.

I had joined Twitter only about a week or two before, so I was all new to it, and I still am. I don't yet know how all this "tagging" works, so I have yet to learn a bit.

I don't think Twitter really helped me get more visitors to my blog. I don't know how one could make this work. If you have any advice, pleeeeeaaaaase, let me know!

While I did make some friends on there, they were mostly people whose blogs I already know. Some commenters here are new - at least new to me, though, so maybe it is helping? Did you find me through Twitter? If so, tell me, I'm curious!

And if you haven't connected to me yet, but would like to, my Twitter account is set up under KathrinP!


Sandra said...

I'm baffled by Twitter too and wish there was a simple explanation somewhere. I joined a couple months ago because everyone kept saying I should. I tried to reply to someone today for the first time and did it wrong. I don't know what to do when someone says to Twitter them. I can't even find an explanation on the Twitter site. I know I'm techie stupid but so far, I'm not impressed. Hope you figure it all out and reap the benfits one of these days.

Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

Hey, yea, you followed me on twitter and I found your blog that way. I haven't got a chance to read much yet.

I can give you some great twitter resources, there's a blogger who wrote some great twitter 101 posts. Here's one post

Unknown said...

@ Jewish Side: Oh, I enjoy reading your blog a lot! So you found me through Twitter? That's interesting :-)
Thanks a lot for the link, I'll check out the post right away. Maybe it will help me find out more about Twitter.

Unknown said...

I joined twitter a few days after you, and I've found it really helpful. I think I have got 5 new people who follow my blog through twitter, which I think is pretty good for week 1.

I agree that the twitter site is pretty poor for explaining what to do. I spent the first few days just watching other people. I think I've worked out most of it, but I'm still unsure of a few things - how do you convert your web links into tiny ones?

Good luck with your tweeting!

Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

Kathrin: Thanx!
Your welcome and Good Luck!

It seems like your a real reader, I keep seeing your blog being updated! Right now all I have time for is school work, but after May, when I graduate I should have more time to read!

Unknown said...

Jewish Side: I am a real reader, and I doubt I would manage to read quite as much if I weren't majoring in lit. That really helps me! Actually, I'm even behind in writing reviews. I hoped to catch up before the read-a-thon, but I didn't succeed.
As for the updating - I took part in Dewey's Read-A-Thon this weekend, and I try to do at least two weekly events as well. That helps :-)
Hope school's going well for you!