Monday, March 09, 2009

Classics Challenge 2009

Trish set up a separate blog for the Classics Challenge 2009 - and how could I possibly keep my hands off of that one???

The challenge starts April 1st and ends October 31st.

This is what Trish wrote in a nutshell:

**Choose Your Level (Keep reading for Bonus)
1. Classics Snack - Read FOUR classics
2. Classics Entree - Read FIVE classics
3. Classics Feast - Read SIX classics

1. Cross-posting with other challenges is allowed (and encouraged!)
2. Audiobooks are fine
3. Re-reads are acceptable, BUT books must be finished after April 1st to count for the challenge
4. Lists don't have to be set in stone; you can change your selections at any time.
5. Have Fun!!
6. You do NOT need a blog to participate.

Also, there's an optional bonus round where one can read a book from a list with books that in the future might be considered a classic.

In short:
1. Sign up below using Mr. Linky. Preferably link to your list for the challenge, but I'm not going to make you. :P If you don't have a blog, just enter your name.
2. Give a suggestion for a "future" classic in the comments below
3. Recommended a classic for "beginners" in the comments below
4. Let me know if you have any questions
5. Get reading those dang classics!!

So, I will chose the Classic Feast and I will most likely join in on the bonus round as well.

I have not yet compiled a complete list of books I'd like to read, but I will just add them as I read my way through the year.

1) Jane Austen: Northanger Abbey
2) Charlotte Bronte: The Professor
3) William Shakespeare: Hamlet
4) Dante Alighieri: The Divine Comedy



Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to this challenge :) Your list so far is an interesting one!

Unknown said...

Glad you like my list so far, Lawanda :-)

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Thanks for signing up Kathrin! I've only read two of the books on your list, but I enjoyed them both (NA and Hamlet). Happy reading! :)

Unknown said...

Trish, I never heard about The Professor (Bronte) either, until I did some research. And Dante's Divine Comedy is because of my uncle. He's into the really old stuff (both literature and music).
Thanks for hosting the challenge! I love classics :-)