Monday, March 23, 2009

Blog Improvement Project #6 - Let's Get Social

With this post, I've caught up with the past BIPs I missed. This time the instructions were:

1. Pick out a new social media tool, or reacquaint yourself with a social media tool you already use. If you’re new, sign up and create an account. Make sure to include your blog URL in your new profile so you can connect across social media platforms.

2. Update your blog to include your new social media contact information. If you want, leave your contact information in the comments here so other BIP participants can connect with you. WordPress doesn’t like comments with a lot of links, so if it doesn’t show up right away be patient, I’ll fish it out of the spam filter ASAP.

3. Spend the next three weeks actively using your new social media. Use all those goals setting techniques we tried in week 1 to set some goals for your social media experiment. For example, set a goal of tweets per day or how many comments you’ll leave on GoodReads reviews to make sure you give it a good shot.

4. Don’t be afraid to connect with other people. Find authors, publishers, famous people, or bloggers that are “bigger” than you and connect with them via social media. Don’t be intimidated, just try it!

5. At the end of your three weeks using more social media, write up a post about how it worked for you. Sign Mr. Linky with your post, I’ll do another Social Media Carnival post at the end of March wrapping up what everyone learned.

So I figured I'd use Twitter a bit more as it is the latest account I set up. It's fairly easy to use and I enjoy updating. I'll try to twitter every other hour, as that would leave me with about 7 posts there each day. (Even though I already know I won't manage to be all on time on Friday because I'll be away for most of the day.

My Twitter account is KathrinP so feel free to join me there! And if you have Facebook, leave a comment and I'll add you (of course, I won't publish the comment so that your info doesn't get out there!).
Same goes for all the other social media sites I use (LibraryThing, Good Reads, Shelfari - you name it!) - if you're there, give me a shout!

I'll let you know how it works on Sunday.

Please also check out my entry on the Blog Improvement Project #2 and help me find out which of my three ideas would be the best...


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're caught up. Welcome to Twitter, the book bloggers are a lively bunch -- I usually just get caught up following them without adding much to the conversation.


Unknown said...

Thanks, Kim :-) I hope my plan for Twitter will work!

Sherrie said...

I am doing your challenge Books into Movies. I have read my two books and saw one movie. I don't see anywhere to post my reviews for these books. If you would like to see them they are here: and here: Have a great day!!


Unknown said...

I'm looking forward to your post on twitter - I've just signed up too, but haven't really worked it out yet...I'm watching what everyone else does for a few more days. I'm sure I'll be hooked by the end of the week!

Unknown said...

@ farmlanebooks: Thanks! I posted a bit about it, but maybe I'll add some to the blog as I go...

Sherrie said...

Hi Kathrin,
We are both doing Twitter. I am still learning about the things to do there! Have a great evening!


Unknown said...

Sherrie, I'm also still learning. I think we'll get the gist of it eventually! :-)