Sunday, June 02, 2013

[Armchair BEA] The end - for this year!

Button designed by Emily of Emily's Reading Room

For those of you who don't know yet, ArmchairBEA is a way for those book bloggers who cannot attend Book Expo America in Person to get together and meet great people.

I am so happy I got to participate in this year’s Armchair BEA. It was a fun experience and I will most likely spend the next 2 weeks still in order to meet new bloggers and to see who else participated. It has been a fun experience I would not want to have missed. It got me thinking about genres, blogging and aspects of blogging I wasn’t even really aware of.

All this makes Armchair BEA an amazing event to join in on. You get a lot of positive things out of it from your own cozy armchair, desk or wherever else you blog from.

I have been thinking about this for the past few days and I could not possibly tell you what I liked more – attending BEA in NYC or participating in Armchair BEA. I just do not know and if in doubt, I would probably want to participate in both? Sounds crazy, huh?

What I missed out on for Armchair BEA this year were the Twitter chats. I never was awake for them, be it because I was already in bed or because I was still in bed. But in the end, I need my sleep, especially now that I am kind of working on sleeping up front, before kiddo is going to keep me awake at odd hours.

(Urban) Fantasy?

One of the genres I would have loved to see talked about by the Armchair BEA participants, in part to get more points of view on it, is fantasy, especially urban fantasy. This certainly has to do with my very own beloved nerd (think Leonard of The Big Bang Theory fame and you basically know the basics about my wonderful mister!).
I had Jim Butcher’s first two Harry Dresden novels on my Mt. TBR for the longest time, and when he came around, I read them right away and read the next few books as well. I am still working my way through the series, which is easy because he has them all, so I can just grab them. I have to admit though, that I haven’t read one in a while, much to his chagrin. One of my reasons is that I cannot fathom finishing the series. I have always been odd like that and I usually have the (for now) last one in a series sitting around on Mt. TBR until the next one is out or until I urgently need a fix of a favorite series. Maybe I will use maternity leave to read one or two more. After all, I will then have two extra days off!

Another series he wants me to read is the Game of Thrones books, by the way, and those are chunksters, let me tell you that much! I am glad he has them on his e-reader. I will just have to grab that off his nightstand. I’m sure he won’t mind as long as he can read on my e-reader instead.

What are some urban fantasy series you can recommend? The mister and I are always looking for some good urban fantasy. (Yes, he’s a reader, am I lucky or what?)

1 comment:

vikk simmons said...

I'm with you. I'd like to attend both Book Expo and this virtual version. Both are so different but equally enjoyable.

I've enjoyed Game of Thrones on HBO and plan to tackle the books later this year.