Sunday, January 04, 2009

The "I Suck At Challenges" Challenge

Well, Chris at Book-A-Rama is hosting the "I Suck At Challenges" Challenge - and how can I possibly resist that one? LOL

Chris has two categories for the challenge: The Slackers and The 12 Steppers.
As I (quite apparently) signed up for way more than 3 challenges, I'll take on the 12 Steppers.

Here are Chris' rules:
The 12 Steppers
(Aka "I can stop whenever I want.")

There's a challenge. You see it. Your palms start to sweat. Mr Linky mocks you. You try to stop yourself but it's too late. You've committed yourself to Books That Start With Q Challenge and you know you'll do it again when the next challenge comes along. The only thing is, how are you ever going to complete them all? Sound like you? Then you are a 12 Stepper. No program is going to help you though; you're addicted.

Join The 12 Steppers if you've signed up for more reading challenges than you can handle.


Sign up anytime between now and February 1, 2009. The challenge ends July 1, 2009.


Leave a comment on this post with a link to your challenge post. Tell me if you are a Slacker or a 12 Stepper and list your challenges.

Then what?

At the end of the month, starting in February, I'll put up a post calling for your progress. Leave a comment telling us if you've completed a challenge (link to your completed challenge post), if you're struggling with any and what ones, or if the challenge deadline came and went and you never finished.

At the first of every month I'll put up a post to record your progress. I'll encourage everyone to visit each other and cheer you on.

My current challenges can be found here or at the side bar.


Chrisbookarama said...

Whoa! Now that's a list! Welcome to the challenge!

Unknown said...

LOL That's why I desperately need your challenge, Chris! Thanks a lot :)