Sunday, March 07, 2010

In My Mailbox Monday (Mar 7)

Please don't forget to check out my giveaway celebrating 50 followers!

In My Mailbox is a weekly event exploring the books I found in my mailbox and is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren and was inspired by Alea @ Pop Culture Junkie. To join in, please visit Kristi's blog!

Mailbox Mondays is a weekly event hosted by Marcia from The Printed Page. To join, please visit her blog!

I am a bit disappointed in myself. I wanted to not buy any books until I had at least finished all the books from January. But then I met a good friend on Thursday (March 4) and on our way from university to Starbucks we came across a book store. That's how the story goes, right?

Anyway, it's a small indie and they always have two boxes of marked down books right outside, so we decided to just sift through them, not really expecting to find anything. Right! Sure! Whom were we kidding anyway?

A Mercy by Toni Morrison - acually, we both got a copy because one of our professors had mentioned (and recommended) it during a class on American Lit and Culture (the beginnings up until 1820), so when we saw two copies in the boxes it was clear we would get them.

When Will There Be Good News? by Kate Atkinson was also in those boxes and I remembered a review I read a while ago (no clue where, but once I find it I'll link back).

And while we were having our coffee I got a text message with the information that I could pick up a package at a "Packstation" (sort of like a PO box, only they're distributed all over the place and you can access each and everyone with a card and a PIN). That's when I got the following three books:

Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy by Ally Carter is the second in the Gallagher School series and I finished the first one short before I ordered the 2nd (and pre-ordered the 3rd). I can't wait to read it!

Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver - I admit it, I caved. I wanted to wait until it is out in paperback, but in the end... Well, I'll get to it soon, I guess. In - oh! 25 books *sigh*

Dirty Little Secrets by C.J. Omololu - just because!

The Cold Room by J.T Ellison is a book the wonderful Marcia from The Printed Page sent me so I could also enjoy it. Thank you sooo much!


Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

You have some wonderful book here! Dirty Little Secrets looks good! Have a great week!

Beth F said...

You had a great week. I'm looking forward to Dirty Little Secrets.

Jennifer | Mrs Q Book Addict said...

Great books! I want to read Before I Fall, it seems like a great read. Dirty Little Secrets is on my wishlist as well. Enjoy!

Jennifer @ Mrs. Q: Book Addict

Stephanie said...

These look great. Toni Morrison is an amazing writer. I have also been reading glowing reviews of Before I Fall, and I am looking forward to Dirty Little Secrets. Have a great week!

Christina T said...

I got Cross My Heart, Hope to Spy this week too! Before I Fall is on my TBR list.

Bookstores are always a temptation and if you don't buy anything when you go in, it is a sad, sad thing. :)

Little Miss Becky :) said...

I think I may cave on Before I Fall this week, just sounds sooo darn good! Enjoy all your great books this weeK!

Unknown said...

Thanks everyone! Unfortunately, I've been so confused this past week I am only now getting around to all the comments etc. :-(

If you're interested in Dirty Little Secrets, check out my giveaway, there's a copy in there and I'll likely hold another giveaway for one or two more copies once I have my review up...