Tuesday, March 09, 2010

The Book List: Books that take you back to High School (Mar 9)

Please don't forget to check out my giveaway celebrating 50 followers!

The Book List Meme is a weekly event hosted by Rebecca @ Lost In Books.

This week's theme is about books that take you back to high school.

My picks are:

1) John Steinbeck: Of Mice and Men

2) Jay Asher: 13 Reasons Why

3) Sophie Kinsella: Can You Keep A Secret?

I picked the books for the following reasons:

We read Of Mice and Men in school. 13 Reasons Why reminds me a lot in my time at school. And Can You Keep A Secret? is one of the many books I read during English lessons (without my teacher objecting).


Becca said...

Great list! I didn't read Of Mice and Men in high school. I did see the movie as an adult though. Tragic story. I want to read Thirteen Reasons Why.

Unknown said...

Rebecca, did you see the movie with Gary Sinise? That's the one we watched in school. (We usually watched the movie to the book, if our teachers thought the movie was made well enough.)