Sunday, April 27, 2014

Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon Update #4

We are now in hour 21 of the current readathon. I did sleep last night, because with a baby, you cherish every minute of sleep you can get. Especially because he is still breastfeeding and wakes up a couple times each night.

Currently reading: Annabel Pitcher: Ketchup Clouds; Ashley Elston: The Rules for Breaking; Gosho Aoyama: Detective Conan / Case Closed Vol. 36

Books finished: Christian Strzoda: Sie sehen aber gar nicht gut aus (a German memoir-type novel in which a paramedic talks about his job); Gosho Aoyama: Detective Conan / Case Closed Vol. 35

Pages read: 100 pages

Running total of pages read: 560 pages

Amount of time spent reading: 1.5 hours

Running total of time spent reading: 7.5 hours

Snacks: a sun flower seed roll with Nutella and peanut butter; pork loins with garlic bread; chocolate; another sun flower seed roll with Nutella and peanut butter

1 comment:

Becca said...

You're doing great! Keep it up! T-4 hours to go! #teamrogue