Monday, September 07, 2009

Lisa Jackson Reading Challenge 2009/2010

Since I didn't do well with the Lisa Jackson Read-A-Fest J. Kaye hosted earlier this year, I will try to read the books I had set aside for this challenge.

I will definitely read Twice Kissed and Fatal Burn. Everything else depends on what I can find in my favorite independent book shop.


Edna said...

I read a lot of books, but not sure how this callenge works. Do you send in a list of what you read, keep up with it or what, I read 3 or 4 books a week as I am retired and have plenty of time.


Anonymous said...

I didn't too well either. I am hoping that having more time will help. :) Welcome to this reading challenge!

Unknown said...

So I'm not the only one, J. Kaye? I hope to do better with the challenge!