Sunday, May 27, 2007

Yet another challenge...

Okay, I'm sort of crazy, but hey... ;-)

I will also join the RBL Summer Mystery Reading Challenge.

The rules in short are:
Read 6 my2steries by new-to-you-authors between June 1 and August 31. Audio books are okay. In order to keep everyone up to date, there will be a SMRS post every day where one is supposed to post updates. Also, and this is the fun part - you don't have to create a reading list before you're actually starting. You just go ahead with the list as you are reading.

Therefore I will not post a list, not even a temp list.

1 comment:

Literary Feline said...

It's impossible to resist, so you shouldn't try! Haha I'm looking forward to this one quite a bit. I look forward to seeing what you read.