Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bloggiesta - first update

Well, Bloggiesta has been up and running for 24 hours already, but I didn't get online earlier. I spent a few hours yesterday on working some things for my blog, though.

Some of my tasks for this bloggiesta are:

  1. finally write some overdue e-mails
  2. write a BEA / America post or two
  3. finish up a few reviews
  4. find out why the heck a review scheduled for two weeks ago didn't show up
  5. write another blame game post (long overdue, I think!)
  6. About Me-page
  7. do I need a review policy?
  8. update my blog roll
  9. finally get the list of author's websites back up (what happened to it in the first place?)

Yesterday, I already worked a bit on my post about BEA and my time in NYC (for about half an hour) and I also made a list of overdue e-mails (another half an hour).


Jenn (Books At Midnight) said...

Yay, keep up the good work! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks, Jenn! Thanks, Mystee :-) Here's to a great last Bloggiesta day *raisesaglassofimaginaryfrozenmargarita*

Esme said...

Seems like you got a fair bit accomplished-my parents are from Malta-I am glad you liked it.

Unknown said...

Esme, they are? That's wonderful. Malta was one of my best vacations so far :)