Monday, January 18, 2010

In My Mailbox (Jan 18)

In My Mailbox is a weekly event exploring the books I found in my mailbox and is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren and was inspired by Alea @ Pop Culture Junkie. To join in, please visit Kristi's blog!

This week, I won't do a vlog. I've been out cold this weekend (and still am) with a 24x? hour bug that left me first with a horribly sore throat (I'm talking about "swallowing isn't possible" here), then motion sickness whenever I moved only the slightest, and right now I'm dealing with head cold-like symptoms that make it difficult for me to breathe, so talking is not an option right now (great thing when you know that I have to give a presentation tomorrow!)...

So, to make this short, here's what I found in my mailbox this week:

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
I ordered this book for the THIB! Twenty Minute Book Club Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Linus's Blanket, and because I've been dying to read this book for a few weeks now (ever since I first heard about it).

Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers
I heard so many interesting things about this book, I just had to get it!

Cracked Up To Be by Courtney Summers
Same as with Some Girls Are, I heard so many good things about the book, I couldn't resist.

The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa
I am curious about the book and it is part of the Japanese Literature Book Group over at tanabata's blog, for which discussion will start in about a week (so I better hurry!). By the way, is it just my copy that has a "fizzy" cut for the pages or was that the publisher's decision for the book in general?

All Unquiet Things by Anna Jarzab
I just had to order it after I saw Anna @ Book Nerds tweet about it. Now it's happily on my shelves waiting for me to read it (rather sooner than later, I'd guess).

And one last, that should be waiting in my mailbox since Saturday, but which I haven't saved yet due to unforseen circumstances (see symptoms mentioned above):

The Unit by Ninni Holmqvist
This one is also for the THIB! Twenty Minute Book Club Challenge.


Sandra said...

I recently read The Unit and enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. I'm still waiting for the Ogawa book from the library. Looks like it may not make it in time for the group discussion. Happy reading.

Jules said...

The Housekeeper and the professor was a wonderful book. The Unit is one I've been wanting to read, but keep forgetting to search my library for it, perhaps I should check the online catalogue.

Heidi V said...

I have heard great things about The Unit...I hope you feel better soon!

Anna said...

Looks like you had a great week! I have The Unit and I hope to get to it soon. Happy reading!

Diary of an Eccentric

Unknown said...

Thanks everyone! Can you believe I already read 4 of the 6 books??? I just realized that and I'm amazed!!!