Sunday, March 11, 2007

(belated) February reads

I just realized that I had completely forgotten about my February reads, so I'm going to post them now. Only 5 books, but 4 of them finished - but at least the reading slump I was in most of February is over - I hope!

Here they are:

01. Rachel Gibson - S ex, Lies, And Online Dating; 384 pages; rating: A-
02. Carolyn Haines - Them Bones; 318 pages; rating: A-
03. Lee Harris - The Thanksgiving Day Murder; 245 pages; rating: B+
04. Sarah Strohmeyer - Bubbles Ablaze; 309 pages; rating: DNF
05. Frederick Forsyth - Avenger (in German); 378 pages; rating: A-

Longest book finished:
Rachel Gibson: S ex, Lies, And Online Dating (384 pages)

Shortest book finished:
Lee Harris: The Thanksgiving Day Murder (245 pages)

Mystery series I've read:
Barolyn Haines' Sarah Booth Delaney
Lee Harris' Chris Bennett
Sarah Strohmeyer's Bubbles Yablonsky

Mystery series I started:
Barolyn Haines' Sarah Booth Delaney

January reading - an overview:

books read in in total: 6

books started in total: 5

books finished: 4

books not finished: 1

books read in by genre:
6 fiction
3 Mysteries
3 Suspense/Thrillers
2 Romance

authors read by gender:
5 female
1 male

books read by author's gender:
5 female
1 male

new-to-me authors:
Carolyn Haines
Frederick Forsyth

new-to-me authors I most likely won't read again:

books read by rating:
3 A
1 B
0 C
0 D

book size:
short books (- 200 pages) ~ 0
intermediate books (201 - 450 pages) ~ 6
chunksters (451+ pages) ~ 0

books by type:
0 hardcover
2 trade paperback
4 mass market paperback

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