Thursday, February 08, 2007

classics challenge

Okay, I've read about booklogged's classics challenge, but since I was absolutely sure I couldn't make 5 classics within two months, I stayed away from it - in a safe distance, though obviously not safe enough.

I'd like to try something similar:

I'd like to try to read 3-5 classics in a time frame of 5 months. This way, there would be enough time for other reads, but one could also spend some good time reading classics, maybe to broaden one's horizon, maybe just to get some books off Mt. TBR.
When exactly this is going to take place is still open as I'm trying to figure out when things won't be that busy.
Since I know some classics are rather hefty in size, I've decided to make the number of books a bit more loose. Books over 450 pages are definitely big ones and harder to get through than classics that have about 250 pages.

I'll pick mine from the following classics:

1. Victor Hugo - Les Misérables (in French, 913 pages)
2. Jane Austen - Mansfield Park (in English, pages)
3. Paul Auster - Moon Palace (in English, pages)
4. Emily Bronte - Wuthering Heights (in English, pages)
5. Theodor Fontane - Frau Jenny Treibel (in German, pages)
6. Tom Wolfe - The Bonfires Of The Vanities (in English, pages)


Literary Feline said...

That sounds very reasonable, Kathrin! I've enjoyed the Winter Classics Challenge quite a bit. There are plenty more classics on my shelves I would love to read and your challenge requirements are flexible enough that I might be willing to try another classics challenge this year.

Claudia Scott said...

Oh Victor Hugo, Emily Bronte und Jane Austen wirst du ganz schnell durchschmoeckern. Those are comfort read classics. ;-)

Unknown said...

Well, Claudia, the Victor Hugo is in French and the other two are in English. I'm not afraid about the English books, but the French sure will take some time ;-)

Literary Feline said...

Kathrin, I posted my list on my blog. I'm going to read three small ones, I think, that I've been hoping to get to. I hope that's okay!

alethe16 said...

I'm excited to join this one. I've listed my four on my blog at

Can't wait to get started!

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

I'd love to join, so if you don't mind I'll add you to my blogroll so I can come back and check for dates, etc.

Unknown said...

Great, Alyson! I added your link to the link list :-)

Becky said...

If it's not too late to join in on the fun, count me in. I've been reading classics lately--I finished three or four this month (August) already.